"The manager's exceptionally high standards and ambitious plans are perfectly matched by the staff's enthusiasm, high-quality teaching and dedication. The curriculum is superbly sequenced to ensure all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities and children who speak English as an additional language, achieve their full potential." - Ofsted 2021
We are OUTSTANDING in all areas. Click here to read our latest Ofsted report.
Fees and Funding
Please contact us for up to date fee prices
Fees are payable as stated on your seasonal termly invoice.
​We require payment by the date on your invoice or your child could lose their preschool place.
All three and four year olds are eligible for government funding of 15 hours per week, there are also certain situations and criteria where 3 & 4 year olds are entitled to 30 hours funding and where 2 year olds are entitled to 15 hours funding. For more details on consumables, contributions and fees, please contact us.
Our Salvation Army setting is open term time and during school holidays. Our Showfields and Southborough pre-schools are open term time only, all close for bank holidays. You will not be charged for these closures. All other absences must be paid for.
We require a period of one months notice for cancellation of places.
We must insist that children are picked up promptly at the end of their session. Anyone collecting their child late will be expected to pay a charge of £5.00 per 15 minutes or part thereof. Should it be necessary for a member of staff to stay late as a result of a parent/carer collecting their child late, then the parent/carer will also be required to pay for the extra cost of that member of staff.
If you have any queries or issues about these payment terms please don’t hesitate to contact Hayley Coombes or Alice Penfold and we can sort out a personal payment plan for you.